What is Projekt Renewable?
Conceived 2021, designed 2022, delivered 2023 - Projekt exists because the team was presented with a challenge - create something in the centre of Grimsby to inspire the next generation. Simple, right? An educational, cultural and most importantly community hub, Projekt Renewable is working to create a better environment for the future of our planet and the generations to come, with homegrown talent at its core. Formed of recycled shipping containers and additional purpose-built boxes - that currently house The Crown Estate, RWE, myenergi, The Kitchen and The Studio - Projekt Renewable is more than a box park, it’s an ideal. Projekt is creating a space in people’s minds for the possibilities that the renewables industry can bring to this area and aims to be a leading light in the showcasing of North East Lincolnshire and the Humber on a national scale.
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Why did we need Projekt Renewable?
Projekt Renewable has been created, and has since evolved, to inspire the next generation of renewable energy experts through a ‘destination’ full of energy, events and immersive experiences. A place for younger generations to get their ‘feet in the door’ on their way to understanding renewables, and how the ripple of its impact affects every aspect of the world around them. A catalyst to encourage positive conversations about how younger generations can tap into the significant opportunities that exist with the renewables sector thriving on their doorstep, via the natural world around them, thanks to innovative thinking.
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Who is behind Projekt Renewable?
Sitting on the Projekt Renewable board of directors is, local lad come good, Richard Askam, Tracy Lynn and Jon Flowerdew, the team behind Whitecrate - pioneers in modular technology and construction. Supported by a host of heavy hitter patrons, community groups and local champions, this ‘Environmental A-team’ is using their collective voice to spread the gospel about Projekt Renewable.
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